Spring Mountain Estates, our private community with 80 home and mixed-use lots, is exploding, with more members planning and building their own trackside properties. Progress on our residential projects has accelerated, and we will be seeing more housing starts than ever. In addition to Alain Derzie and Brandon & Chelse Rambo’s homes, construction has begun on Desert Pirate Properties and Brad & Wendy Rambo’s parcels. Alex Motola, Richard Carlson and Eric Collins are expected to begin construction on their homes in October, and John Melsom, Mark Stidham and Jim Wulfenstein are ready to break ground in November. Check back often for information on available sites, home options, development news and more.

Growth Exploding at Spring Mountain Estates Private Community
Home construction at Spring Mountain Estates is accelerating with more than 10 homes either beginning or continuing construction work. Our unique community is coming to life quickly. Don't miss the chance to be a part of it. Call for the most up-to-date homesite availability. Ask for Mike Weeks, 800-391-6891 ext 237.